Saturday, March 17, 2018


I forgot to mention in the beginning what equipment I will be using to create my 5 minute documentary so I might as well cover that right now!

Part of the documentary will be filmed using a Samsung Galaxy S8 on a tripod and the other portion will be filmed using a DJI Mavic Pro. 

I contemplated on whether I should buy a dedicated camera or not but I realized that we live in an era where smartphones have just as good of cameras as DSLR's in most cases. My whole entire film will be shot in 4K 30 fps to give it that cinematic look. I understand that most people do not have a 4K monitor to view 4K content on but it doesn't hurt to use it if I'm able to. 

I don't own a microphone so I'm just going to use the microphone on the S8 for the interviews. If I can borrow a microphone from a peer than I will do that but as of now I'm going with the basics!

I'm keeping it simple!

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