Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It has begun!

The time has arrived!

Welcome to my blog where I will be documenting my choices and progress as I create my five minute documentary. 

First, I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Joel Rivera and I am currently in 12th grade for about 2 more months until I'm out of the public education system for good! After high school, I plan to study business and eventually open my own business in the service industry. That's just a little about myself but more on the main focus of this blog: My documentary.

Im going to be honest, this journey of producing a documentary came a lot faster than I thought it was going to but I'm ready to get to work and see what I'm capable of. I'm not exactly sure of what I want my documentary to be about but I do know I want my target audience to be young adults. I also know that whatever topic I choose, I want it to be on a controversial one. I imagine that focusing on a controversial topic will allow me to gain information as well as keep it interesting for both me and the subjects. 

Let's see what I'm capable of...